Help In order to enrol to Grand Road you have to complete the simple four step procedure that is described below.
1. Register to the reserved area of the website Clicking on the “Race entry” menu item you can view the registration form and you have to complete it to gain immediate access to the reserved area. After you have filled the form we send a confirmation message to the Email you insert in the form. You have to click on the link that you can find in the message, in order to complete your registration.
2. Complete the entry request (one for each crew) When registered, you can access to the reserved area and fill an entry request (one for each crew that you want to enter). You can enter the reserved area using the Email address and the password that you inserted in the registration form (see point 1). For each entry request you can print the entry form or eventually ask for a data modification. The data modifications are not automatically accepted and have to be approved by the Mantova Corse committee.
3. Print the entry request, proceed with the payment and send the entry request to Mantova Corse You have to print and sign (in original) the entry request for each crew. After that you have to send a registered letter to Mantova Corse with the signed entry request, a photograph of the car and the money check or the money transfer receipt (please see the payment instructions below). The signed entry requests must arrive to the Mantova Corse committee by April, 30th 2020.
4. The committee examines the requests and confirms the entry After the entry request period is closed (April, 30th 2020) the Mantova Corse committee examines the entry requests and communicates the acceptance to the Email addresses of the registered user and of the crew members (if inserted). The acceptance or eventually the refusal of the request will be also visible in the reserved area of the website.
How to pay the entry fee and the additional charges After you inserted each entry request, you can see the calculated amount you have to send to Mantova Corse for the entry fee and the additional charges (single room hospitality, one more persons, etc.). You have to pay the amount in Euros using the method you selected during the form filling - Money transfer to Mantova Corse with the following data Monte dei Paschi di Siena - Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 30 - I-46100 – Mantova IBAN Code: IT 19 Y 01030 11509 000010270332 - BIC: pascitm1001. Important: bank expenses have to be charged to the participant.
Send the registered letter with the entry request at the following address: MANTOVA CORSE PIAZZA 80° FANTERIA, 11 I-46100 MANTOVA