Entry to the Grand Road race 2020
To make the entry for Grand Road 2020 is mandatory to complete these three simple steps:
1) Entry to the private site
2) Entering of the registration applying through the restricted area
3) Send by post registred letter the entry form, signed by the driver, with a photo of the car and the copy of the bank transfer.
Entries opening 15/01/2020
Closing entries 30/04/2020
After the end of the registration applications will be screened by the Committee for acceptance and allocation of the number of race.
In case of doubts or difficulties in the registration please read the instructions.

Race entry is suspended

» If you are not registered and you do not have a password for the reserved area Click here If » If you are already registered but have lost or forgotten password, then Click here » In case of doubts or difficulties in the registration Clik here the instructions